Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2017, Vol. 2, No. 3. - go to content...

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For citation:

Kirsanov K.A. The laws of science of clothing. Journal of Clothing Science. 2017; 2(3). Available at: (in Russian).

The laws of science of clothing

Kirsanov Konstantin Aleksandrovich
Institute of World Civilizations, Russia, Moscow

Abstract. The position is grounded that costume is not a classical science, but a non-science (post-classical science). The issues of individual positioning create a lot of problems, first of all, of a methodological nature, which include questions of historical analysis and civilizational representation. It is suggested to study them from the positions of the theory of good and the theory of damage. However, in connection with the fact that even non-scientific fields of research bear objective characteristics it is expedient to make an attempt to formulate the laws of costume. These laws should allow us to build a theory of costume and create prerequisites for the creation of this science not on declarative dogmas, but on the basis of well-grounded axioms and hypotheses. It is proposed to distinguish five independent laws of costume, which are named: the law of biological separation, the law of stage formation, the law of multifunctionality, the law of markerity, the law of identity. Examples of the use of the laws of costume are: the visible part of the costume (with reference to the Russian national costume), the invisible part of the costume (as an illustration, in particular, with regard to the corset), a festive one-time suit (with reference to the «dress revolution that took place in the middle XIV century in Europe «). The proposed laws of costume made it possible to emphasize more prominently that in neo-science (post-nonclassical science), whose bright representative is costume, axiomatiza- tions of integrity and emergence are axiomatized. The position is formulated — the suit is woven from material and ideological substances, which allows a person to carry out a harmonious movement in space and time. The costume and man also form a creative unity in their inner essence. This essence can be represented as creative matter.

Keywords: costume; science of clothing; not classical science; non-science; postclassical science. individuality; history; civilizationism; perception; fashion; economy; ethnology; image; objective characteristics; the theory of good; damage theory; laws of costume; theory of costume; the law of biological excretion; the law of the stage of formation; law of multifunctionality; law of marker; the law of identity; visible part of the costume; invisible part of the costume; corset; a festive one-time suit; «Dressing revolution»; integrity; emergence; material and ideological substances; the inner essence; creative unity; creative matter

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