Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2021, Vol. 6, No. 4. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/01TLKL421 (

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For citation:

Ermakova E.O., Kiselev S.Yu., Smirnov E.E. The optimization of orthopedic providing of patients based on automated shoe selection and principles of customization. Journal of Clothing Science. 2021; 6(4). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/01TLKL421

The optimization of orthopedic providing of patients based on automated shoe selection and principles of customization

Ermakova Elena Olegovna
Russian State University named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Kiselev Sergey Yur’evich
Russian State University named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Smirnov Evgenij Evgen’evich
Russian State University named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The use of automated “virtual” or contactless fitting technologies is especially relevant when selecting uncomplicated orthopedic footwear of mass or serial production for people with disabilities. However, for the automated selection of such shoes, existing solutions are difficult to apply for a number of reasons; it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the pathology, the parameters of special orthopedic details, the conditions of use and other factors.

Mass customization is becoming an effective approach to individualizing goods for daily use — making products taking into account the individual needs of the consumer using the possibilities of mass or serial production.

The intensive development of data transmission and processing technologies, modern manufacturing methods based on the use of digital computer modeling and design technologies creates an opportunity to reform the established approach to the individual production of orthopedic shoes using customization principles.

However, it also requires a transformation of in-house organizational processes and traditional hand-made algorithms.

The purpose of the study is to develop a concept of customizing orthopedic footwear that meets an optimal approach to orthopedic providing for patients.

The article presents a conceptual model of customization, which shows a new approach to orthopedic providing of patients. An algorithm for the selection of orthopedic footwear is proposed, which is implemented using the developed methodology for a complex assessment of the degree of correspondence between the parameters of the inner shape of the footwear and the anthropometric data of the feet.

The authors have developed a customization system, in which, based on the calculated complex matching factor, orders are distributed according to the complexity level of customization or manufacturing and are made using special customization types.

The use of the results obtained is proposed on the basis of a developed database to automate the calculation of the assessment and selection of models.

The suggested scientifically-based approach allows solving a wide range of problems associated with the selection of shoes in a number of fields. Possibilities for the application of the obtained research results are proposed.

Keywords: concept of shoes customization; remote order; contactless fitting; shoe last; automated shoe selection; orthopedic shoes

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