2024, Vol. 9, No. 2. - go to content...
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For citation:
Kalinina L.N., Leonova E.V. Chuvash girls’ hats: traditions and modernity. Journal of Clothing Science. 2024; 9(2). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/02IVKL224.pdf (in Russian).
Chuvash girls’ hats: traditions and modernity
Kalinina Larisa Nikolaevna
I. Yakovlev’s Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Cheboksary, Russia
E-mail: Kalininalarisan@yandex.ru
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=805995
Leonova Elena Vladimirovna
I. Yakovlev’s Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Cheboksary, Russia
E-mail: elena-vlad.leon@mail.ru
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=732363
Abstract. Currently, Chuvash folk decorative and applied art is in constant development, it preserves traditions and boldly interacts with modern materials and technologies. Headdresses in the Chuvash national costume have magical, symbolic, functional and aesthetic significance. They reflect the worldview, historical path, technological and cultural achievements of the people, emphasize the gender, age and social status of a person, as well as reflect marital status. The authors of the article considered and analyzed the varieties of traditional girlish headdresses, tukhya, differing in shape and ornamentation depending on the ethnographic groups of the Chuvash.
Students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Education, Computer Science and Technology have created an author’s collection of stylized Chuvash maiden headdresses «Tui kăşălĕ», the source of inspiration of which is an art object, a light installation in the form of the national Chuvash maiden headdress «Tuhya». This collection consists of 3 models and differs from the traditional tuhya in novelty, original cut and decoration, color scheme and selection of modern materials of different textures. The presented modern helmet-shaped tukhi models are made on the same constructive basis. The base of the cap consists of three parts and a pommel. The crown has a cone-shaped pommel. Girls’ hats are designed for various ethnocultural events and exhibitions, themed Chuvash weddings, as well as for participation in various competitions.
When designing the collection, the meanings of the symbols used by the Chuvash people in their clothes for centuries were studied and some fragments of the ornament were selected. The issues of popularization of cultural heritage among young people are touched upon. The development and implementation of the projected collection was carried out as part of the educational process.
Thus, the original constructive and design solutions of girls’ hats, organically combining modern fashion and traditional origin, are the basis for the creative interpretation of the Chuvash national costume.
Keywords: girlish headdress; Chuvash; national costume; tukhya; decor; source of inspiration; traditional and modern; stylized
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ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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