2020, Vol. 5, No. 4. - go to content...
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For citation:
Petushkova G.I., Kurilina N.S. Ecological paradigm in development of cloth ornament. Journal of Clothing Science. 2020; 5(4). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/02IVKL420.pdf (in Russian).
Ecological paradigm in development of cloth ornament
Petushkova Galina Ivanovna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: galina-petushkova@mail.ru
Kurilina Nataliia Sergeevna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: Kurilina.n.s@gmail.com
Abstract. Being a cultural symbol fashion presents current value points. It communicates with the consumer using visual language, images and associations.
The purpose of the article is to identify the features of modern visual language in textile design that evolved under the influence of ecological paradigm.
The authors determined the time and reasons for the origin of these motifs in textile design against the background of the development of ecological thought in project culture. Theoretical research is confirmed by practical experience in class with students.
The article identifies four main topics in textile design that arose under the influence of ecological project paradigm and ecological culture as a whole:
- Nature motifs – the most common and traditional direction, uses images of nature as a source of inspiration.
- Laws of nature formation. Scientific research has expanded figurative-associative design by formation based on the laws of natural structures, fractal geometry, complex curved plastic, and kinetics.
- Ethnic motifs. According to research, environmentalism is associated with folk ornaments and man-made materials. This direction indicates the aspiration for self-identification and the search for harmony in the past against the background of globalization.
- protest forms of expression are presented as aggressive images drawing attention to the Problem and as a search for inspiration in a new, man-changed world, the world of ecological catastrophe.
In modern culture all motifs of visual language in textile design are inspired by ecological design conception and express the idea of nature value and relevance of the search of harmony in cooperation with the entire world.
Keywords: costume design; ecological culture; visual language; motifs in textile design; textile ornament; nature motifs; ethnic motifs; protest forms of expression

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ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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