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For citation:
Dokuchaeva O.I. Texture as a property of knitted fabrics. Journal of Clothing Science. 2018; 3(4). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/03TLKL418.pdf (in Russian).
Texture as a property of knitted fabrics
Dokuchaeva Olga Ivanovna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: dokuchaeva_oi@mail.ru
Abstract. To study the invoice as one of characteristics of a form of a suit, to reveal volume and spatial structure of knitted materials a necessary task for all who is engaged in jersey.
All tactile feelings of the person have to define the main ergonomic indicators of this or that subject which are necessary for successful and safe operation of this subject or the mechanism by the person.
In modern conditions of development of the automated industrial design, achievements of electronics in knitted production the integrated approach, interaction of all participants of production – both artists, and technologists of knitting and finishing stages, materials scientists, as well as art critics of fashion is necessary for the fastest satisfaction of the revealed requirement of fashion during a certain time period.
From these positions each artist on jersey has to proceed, setting and solving problems of industrial design. It has to understand the new directions of science and technical progress, namely, questions of prospect of development of the knitted equipment, new types of raw materials and finishing for implementation of the project. And the invoice of a knitted cloth is the most advantageous moment for attraction of consumer demand, as makes relevance of this work.
Keywords: the texture of knitwear; the relief of the surface of knitted canvases; chiaroscuro; three-dimensional structure of the canvas

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ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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