Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2020, Vol. 5, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Makarova T.L., Loskutnikova P.A. Fonts in clothing design as a conceptual image element. Journal of Clothing Science. 2020; 5(2). Available at: (in Russian).

Fonts in clothing design as a conceptual image element

Makarova Tatʹyana Lʹvovna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Loskutnikova Polina Alexandrovna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. Many people perceive the costume text exclusively as a decorative element, but it can tell us a lot about a person: show age, gender, sphere of interests, slightly revealing the inner world of the wearer of costume. People choose costume with inscriptions for some reasons, often without being aware of their choice. Text on costume is a communicative tool that has a variety of semantic and symbolic content, a message to society. The most important external attribute of the text is its font, which carries a holistic perception of the entire inscription.

In the article, the author considers the figurative components of fonts, their varieties and methods of application in costume design. To enhance the perception of the brand concept, the use of fonts in costume design will be especially relevant.

The character of the font enhances the perception of the entire text, complementing its semantic component of the visual. Costume with using fonts makes the image talking, complements it conceptually. Text is signs, and font is a stylization of these signs.

The author of the article analyzes the history of the appearance of fonts, the history of the use of fonts in costume. Identified ways to use fonts in costume design.

Keywords: font; text; fashion; costume design; concept; logotype; logomania; conceptuality

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