Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2021, Vol. 6, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Kotomenkova O.G., Vinogradova A.V. Thermal calculation of heat-protective woven bags of military clothing in various environmental conditions and physical activity. Journal of Clothing Science. 2021; 6(4). Available at: (in Russian).

Thermal calculation of heat-protective woven bags of military clothing in various environmental conditions and physical activity

Kotomenkova Olga Gennadievna
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Researcher ID:
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Vinogradova Anna Vyacheslavovna
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Researcher ID:
Google Академия:

Abstract. In the article, the authors determined the physiological limits of cooling and their boundaries, taking into account the degree of discomfort based on the thermal sensations of military personnel: for a comfortable feeling, the skin temperature should not be lower than 34.5 °C for the body, lower than 31.0 °C for the foot. The heat consumption for heating the inhaled air by military personnel in various temperature conditions is also determined: in conditions of full equipment at a temperature from 0 °C to -30 °C, the heat consumption for heating the inhaled air by military personnel decreases relatively proportionally with a decrease in ambient temperature and increases as their physical activity increases from rest to moderate work. In addition, the thermal resistance of a set of military clothing was determined after a two-hour stay of military personnel in various temperature conditions at rest, moderate walking and performing moderate work: the results allow us to obtain empirical patterns for the design and manufacture of military clothing, taking into account the climatic characteristics of certain areas of the country in accordance with the specified operating conditions. The indicators of the working capacity and functional state of the body when using military clothing in winter conditions were also determined: exposure to cold caused active protective and adaptive reactions on the part of the subject’s body aimed at maintaining thermal balance (heat deficiency after two hours at a temperature of –10 °C was 0.83 kcal*kg-1 when performing moderate work, 0.95 kcal*kg-1 and at rest — оf 1.15 kcal*kg-1, and the rate of heat loss at rest is almost two times higher than in other States; the condition of the body of soldiers in all States assessed as the feeling of cold II degree with a deficit of heat to 1.25 kcal*kg-1).

The material in this article are part of a dissertation research one of the authors.

Keywords: military clothing; heat-protective woven bags; thermal calculation; thermal resistance; thermal balance; heat deficit; body parts area

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