2019, Vol. 4, No. 2. - go to content...
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For citation:
Gerasimova M.P., Zolottseva L.V., Mehtieva M.I. Transformation of the details of the Russian costume in the models of modern women’s clothing from knitted fabrics. Journal of Clothing Science. 2019; 4(2). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/15TLKL219.pdf (in Russian).
Transformation of the details of the Russian costume in the models of modern women’s clothing from knitted fabrics
Gerasimova Maria Pavlovna
A.N. Kosygin`s Russian state university (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: ger.m@mail.ru
Zolottseva Lubov Viktorovna
A.N. Kosygin`s Russian state university (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: LVZolottseva@yandex.ru
Mehtieva Maria Ivanovna
A.N. Kosygin`s Russian state university (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: mariacat@bk.ru
Abstract. In the article discusses ways to transform the constructive and artistic-decorative elements of the Russian costume in modern knitted fabrics using interlacing zones. Outlined the relationship of the properties and capabilities of knitwear with the receipt of a new form and model of product. Analyzed the historical complex of Russian folk costume, revealed the characteristic relationship of form and ornament for work on the creation of a modern collection of women’s knitwear using the retrospective design of Russian costume. Revealed that the characteristic tectonic element of many products in Russian costume – shirts, sundresses, padded skirts and outerwear are folds, which are constructive means of shaping. Considered the possibility of designing models of women’s knitwear based on historical prototypes that are structurally and decoratively similar to models of women’s national costume. It was determined that the use of complex combined gas stations on modern equipment by switching from one type of weave to another will allow optimizing the design lines of cut parts and technological units. Given characteristic of shaping products due to the use of texture and deformation properties of knitwear – the ability to bend, compress, stretch. Described the possibilities of modern knitted weaves and equipment are described. It has been revealed that the introduction of the proposed method of transforming the historical elements of the national Russian costume into a modern knitwear product will allow updating the assortment without additional costs for the production of models of new models. It was concluded that the current fashion trends that led to this independent direction in modeling like folklore style.
Keywords: the source; knitwear; models; weave; design; structure; costume; shaping
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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