2021, Vol. 6, No. 1. - go to content...
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For citation:
Akchurina-Muftieva N.M., Grigoreva M.B. Leading compositional techniques for the development of a modern Crimean Tatar costume. Journal of Clothing Science. 2021; 6(1). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/16IVKL121.pdf (in Russian).
Leading compositional techniques for the development of a modern Crimean Tatar costume
Akchurina-Muftieva Nuriya Munirovna
Yakubov Crimean engineering and pedagogical university, Simferopol, Russia
E-mail: akchurina_05@mail.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9788-1630
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=770495
Grigoreva Marina Borisovna
Yakubov Crimean engineering and pedagogical university, Simferopol, Russia
E-mail: tigrovaya@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2291-1246
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=910187
Abstract. The article discusses the priority compositional techniques in the design of modern Crimean Tatar costume as an important part of the preservation of traditional culture. Relevance of the study is denoted by a permanent appeal of modern fashion designers to folk culture as a carrier of a particular artistic code of the younger generation. Noted that at the present stage in the Crimea, there are a number of art schools formed, which laid the beginning of scientific research traditional culture and methods of introducing it into contemporary decorative arts peninsula. The authors reveal the role of authentic culture in creating the image of modern Crimean Tatar costume and the basis of the practical experience of young masters on the leading research in this field. The main attention is given to identifying methods of formation of artistic image, the example of student works of the chair «Decorative Art» of «Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzy Yakubov», identifying the following areas: literal transfer of elements of traditional costume and creative interpretation. Identified features of the author’s interpretation in the formation of stylistics of costume and accessories, as well as outlined the interpretation of artistic images through suggestive metaphors. The authors studied the problem of formation of the image of the Crimean Tatar costume as an important component of modern culture, which reveals its character and role in the artistic system of the Crimea. The article determines that the most used methods of interpretation of traditional costume are elements of traditional cut, accessories and modern stylization of traditional ornamentation. It is noticed that the costume made in this direction allows preserving traditional cultural heritage without violating the general Muslim canons. The authors conclude that the modern Crimean Tatar costume is presented in 2 leading directions: literal transfer of elements of traditional cut and avant-garde solutions, in which belonging to the designated culture is constructed by introducing suggestive metaphors.
Keywords: Crimean Tatar costume; artistic image; interpretation; form; regional art school; compositional techniques
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ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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