Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2019, Vol. 4, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Vasilenko E.V., Vasilenko P.G. Features of the ornament of the Adyghe folk costume its application in modern design. Journal of Clothing Science. 2019; 4(2). Available at: (in Russian).

Features of the ornament of the Adyghe folk costume its application in modern design

Vasilenko Elena Vladimirovna
K.G. Razumovsky Moscow state university of technologies and management (the first Cossack university), Moscow, Russia

Vasilenko Pavel Gennadievich
K.G. Razumovsky Moscow state university of technologies and management (the first Cossack university), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. This article describes the features of national female costume as part of the material culture of Adyghe people, and in particular its ornament is one of the types of folk art, the identity of which is expressed in a variety of artistic language the richness of forms of figurative thinking, organic alloy and creative recycling all kinds of layers, which were the result of the complex history of the people. Folk art is deeply rooted in the depths of centuries. Circassian national ornament still remains little studied and in the domestic literature virtually not covered. In pagan religions worship the sacred ritual existed adyge trees, indicating the antiquity plant motifs in the ornament of Circassians. Another ancient ornamental element – «sheep horn» is also, apparently, comes from the ancient worship RAM. In Adyghe ornamental women’s dress reflected the social hierarchy of people. Social inequality in dress shows as commit.

Keywords: Adyghe national pattern; female costume; identity; folklore; history and ethnography; tradition; elements of an ornament

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