Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2021, Vol. 6, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Sharpar N.M., Zhmakin L.I., Alekseev S.G., Lyakhov M.V. Investigation of heat transfer of nonwovens for the design of heat-protective clothing. Journal of Clothing Science. 2021; 6(4). Available at: (in Russian).

Investigation of heat transfer of nonwovens for the design of heat-protective clothing

Sharpar Nikolai Mikhailovich
Russian State University named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
Researcher ID:

Zhmakin Leonid Ivanovich
Russian State University named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Alekseev Sergey Glebovich
Russian State University named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Lyakhov Maxim Viktorovich
Russian State University named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. Currently, various types of sports and recreational recreation and active tourism are being widely developed. Motor activity is an important aspect in strengthening and maintaining people’s health, as well as restoring their working capacity. Despite the large range of clothing for active activities (fishing, tourism, etc.), issues related to the design of clothing for the type in question remain extremely relevant, because the available products are not always able to provide comfortable conditions for human well-being.

The article considers the research of heat transfer of nonwovens included in the package of winter clothing used for outdoor activities. With the help of clothing, a microclimate is formed that can provide comfortable conditions and a normal working condition of a person during its operation.

Essential requirements aimed at consumer properties and quality of modern winter clothing establish its marketability. One of the most significant among the presented range of parameters for nonwovens used in the manufacture of clothing are heat-protective. They describe the ability to protect the human body from overheating and heat loss at different temperature conditions. The limit value, it turns out, by means of assessing heat-protective indicators when designing winter and demi-season clothing, or workwear.

The article develops a method for determining the volumetric heat transfer coefficient of nonwovens, it is based on dependencies describing the processes carried out in the working area of the device and the material under study during testing.

A universal measuring device has been created to determine the volumetric heat transfer of nonwovens included in the package of winter and demi-season clothing, which allows testing in conditions close to their actual operating conditions.

Based on the results of the experimental studies, the data obtained made it possible to determine the temperature fields during air filtration in the nonwovens under consideration.

Keywords: clothing; non-woven materials; filtration; volumetric heat transfer; heat-protective properties of clothing; porosity

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