2021, Vol. 6, No. 2. - go to content...
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For citation:
Kalinina L.N., Kalinina E.Yu. Development of the author’s catalog of women’s dresses based on a retrospective analysis of the fashion of the 50s using computer technologies. Journal of Clothing Science. 2021; 6(2). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/18TLKL221.pdf (in Russian).
Development of the author’s catalog of women’s dresses based on a retrospective analysis of the fashion of the 50s using computer technologies
Kalinina Larisa Nikolaevna
I. Yakovlev’s Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Cheboksary, Russia
E-mail: Kalininalarisan@yandex.ru
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=805995
Kalinina Elena Yurievna
LLC «Margot», Cheboksary, Russia
E-mail: Helen60104@mail.ru
Abstract. One of the methods of designing a modern costume is designing based on the costume of the past decades of the XX century.
The article deals with the development of the author’s catalog of women’s dresses based on a retrospective analysis of the fashion of the 50s using computer technologies.
One of the key trends of the spring-summer season of 2021 was the style of the 50s, with its feminine silhouettes, delicate pastel shades, light fabrics, floral prints and shiny jewelry.
To obtain the necessary information for designing women’s dresses in the style of the 50s, a marketing research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire in Google-Forms with the participation of 50 respondents. According to the results of the survey of respondents, it was revealed that retro style is in demand, and it is in demand.
The article discusses the possibilities of using computer technologies, namely graphic editors of vector graphics in the creation of artistic sketches and technical drawings. The use of electronic software packages in the design of clothing allows you to obtain different versions of compositional construction and color solutions, both for the entire collection of images and for each model individually; to vary the proportions and silhouettes of models, the texture of various materials; to add or remove accessories, etc.
The article presents a modified retro style of clothing in the form of an author’s catalog of women’s dresses in the CorelDRAW graphic editor and its approbation.
The author’s catalog of women’s dresses is recommended for both business (office) and casual and can be used at sewing enterprises of mass and individual production. A special emphasis in the collection is placed on styles, cut, materials, as well as on the use of various accessories and decorative straps.
Keywords: author’s catalog; development; women’s dresses; fashion of the 50s; retro style; computer technologies; vector graphics; CorelDRAW; LLC «Margo»
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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