2021, Vol. 6, No. 4. - go to content...
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For citation:
Shaitanova M.M. Implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in clothing design. Journal of Clothing Science. 2021; 6(4). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/23TLKL421.pdf (in Russian).
Implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in clothing design
Shaitanova Mariya Mikhailovna
«Energo Development» LLC, Moscow, Russia
Russian State University named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: portnoidoma@ya.ru
Abstract. Designing clothes is an interesting, multifaceted process, sometimes requiring extensive knowledge and skills. It often relies on a multi-level, complex algorithm that includes a research part, experiments, and serious instrumental and experimental field testing of the results. The author of the article, communicating with representatives of the academic scientific community, has repeatedly encountered the division of the understanding of the processes of designing clothes into «scientific» and «unscientific», the main criterion in which was the availability of peer-reviewed publications. The work proposed here contains an attempt to understand the situation.
The text of the article raises the question of the possibility of recognizing part of industrial developments and research as scientific. For this purpose, the development processes are compared with the modern understanding of qualitative scientific research. Of the four semantic groups of criteria for the quality of scientific development — credible, contributory, communicable and conforming — three correspond. The fact of publication becomes problematic. Today, the scientific community tends to understand publication as the posting of results in writing. It is assumed that only the fact of describing the methodology of the process, the context and the source data will allow it to be confirmed in the process of reproduction. However, for a competent, experienced specialist, a non-verbal way of communication is available — face-to-face acquaintance with the sample, study of catalog information about the product, and others — provide an extensive amount of information sufficient for full or partial assimilation of new knowledge.
It is proposed to divide industrial production processes into two types — traditional and high-tech — with the allocation of defining features. The author does not undertake to assert that the proposed separation principle is absolutely complete and the only possible one, but it is sufficient in the context of the article.
The article describes a step-by-step algorithm for the development of a new product to indicate the vastness and diversity of its constituent processes; describes situations in which examples of mono-, multi- and interdisciplinary interaction arise. Descriptions are accompanied by graph diagrams and a brief description.
In general, the given analysis-reasoning leads the reader to the conclusion: part of the ongoing industrial developments bears the signs of scientific multidisciplinary research.
Keywords: clothing design; industrial production of clothing; research activity; publication of the results of scientific research; the quality of scientific research in the design of clothing; interdisciplinarity; types of industrial production of clothing; stages of clothing design

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ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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