Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2024, Vol. 9, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Ibatullina A.R., Parsanov A.S. Designing an assortment collection of women’s jumpsuits in different style directions. Journal of Clothing Science. 2024; 9(2). Available at: (in Russian).

Designing an assortment collection of women’s jumpsuits in different style directions

Ibatullina Alina Rafisovna
Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia

Parsanov Alexander Sergeevich
Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia

Abstract. In this paper we compared the analogue models of the previously developed assortment collection of women’s overalls of different style direction. The models were selected for detailed elaboration and the basic design was developed, as well as the analysis of the structural solution of analogue products was carried out.

Design solutions were analysed according to the following features: degree of fit on the chest line, degree of fit in the waist area, configuration of silhouette lines, shape in the chest area, bottom line, width relative to the hip line, configuration, shoulder line, connection of the sleeve with the armhole, neck design, fastener.

The analysis of the compositional construction of the models-analogues was carried out on the integrity of the compositional solution, conformity of the product to the type and size of the body, proportional ratio of the parts of the suit, colour solution, conformity of the product to the purpose, style expressiveness of the model, convenience of the design of the product in dynamics, conformity of the product to the fashion direction, the presence of finishing details and design elements.

When analysing the technological solution of the models-analogues the following features were taken into account: rational partitioning of details into main parts, use of unified structural elements and details, application of the most rational methods of shaping, providing reduction of time of wet-heat treatment, designing of rational contour lines of connected details, providing dense stacking of details in the layout and other.

It is established that the collection models numbered 1 and 3 have the most suitable characteristics and fully meet the requirements of the technical assignment, so they are recognised as basic. And models 5, 7 and 8 complement the basic models, forming a complete system of models of women’s overalls.

Keywords: jumpsuits; assortment; analog models; basic design; style direction; composing solution

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