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For citation:
Pesha A.V. The uniform at a public nutrition enterprises of Russia: retrospective aspect. Journal of Clothing Science. 2017; 2(3). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/01KL317.pdf (in Russian).
The uniform at a public nutrition enterprises of Russia: retrospective aspect
Pesha Anastasiia Vladimirovna
Ural state university of economics, Russia, Yekaterinburg
E-mail: Myrabota2011@gmail.com
Abstract. The history of public catering enterprises in the World began more than 6,000 years ago. The article describes a retrospective look at the uniforms of the workers of a public catering in Russia. In Russia the first tavern appeared in the XI century, in 1552, in Moscow, built the first tavern. A service-manager in the tavern was korchmach and zelovalnik, which, in the taverns of the eighteenth century was replaced by polovoi. Polovoi had beards and wore multi-colored caftans, 30-ies of the XVIII century a mandatory uniform polovoi steel a white trousers and a shirts with a slanting collar, belted with red stitching and tassels. In 1873, the opening of the Moscow public restaurant «Slavic Bazaar» with a luxurious interior entailed the appearance of the first of waiters in white aprons and gloves, unto whom now began to turn «person» and not the unpleasant word «polovoi». In the USSR, much attention was paid to the appearance of the waiter, the prevailing colours in the clothing was «a white top – a black bottom». Shoes – classic, well-polished, low heels with rubber soles – not to produced noise when walking, carefully styled hair. The modern market of public catering of Russia strives to achieve the saturation level in most developed countries. The quality of services and the quality of food offered all higher are less and less violations of existing sanitary norms and rules. Uniforms of the waiters Russia in the first decades of the XXI century – the result of creativity of professional designers, who offering suits in accordance with the corporate brand-book, with the decor and with the events.
Keywords: corporate identity; uniforms; dress code; public nutrition; polovoi; waiter; brand book

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