2021, Vol. 6, No. 1. - go to content...
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For citation:
Gusev A.O., Kostyleva V.V., Razin I.B., Murtazina A.R. Version control for cloud-based footwear computer aided design system. Journal of Clothing Science. 2021; 6(1). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/04TLKL121.pdf (in Russian).
Version control for cloud-based footwear computer aided design system
Gusev Alexander Olegovich
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: alex@gusev.xyz
Kostyleva Valentina Vladimirovna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: kostyleva-vv@rguk.ru
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=353612
Razin Igor Borisovich
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: razin-ib@rguk.ru
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=850439
Murtazina Alfiya Rustyamovna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: murtazina-ar@rguk.ru
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=906389
Abstract. Footwear manufacturers need to respond quickly to market changes and new trends in order to meet customer needs and remain competitive. One of the solutions to these problems is the use of computer-aided design (CAD) systems that simplify the design processes, reducing the time for developing new products.
Modern CAD footwear has the potential for improvement. For example, hardware requirements are high due to the fact that CAD systems for shoes are designed to perform large amounts of complex mathematical calculations and graphics. This increases the cost of the entire system. Another example is the cross-platform capability. The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation approved guidelines for import substitution of software. As part of these guidelines, developers are proposing operating systems based on the Linux kernel. All modern CAD shoes run only on the Windows operating system, and cannot be run on a Linux system without third-party emulators.
Cloud technologies, which are actively developing today, became the solution to the problems. Cloud applications are distributed according to the Software as a Service model. Under this model, the software is hosted on a remote cloud server of the vendor, and users can access it via a web interface from any device and operating system. The model is cost effective for both the supplier and the user.
The article discusses the specifics of creating a version control system for a cloud-based automated shoe design system. The main functionality of modern version control systems, as well as research in the field of data comparison and merging, are presented. A data structure is proposed for describing shoe models, the use of which will allow performing all the tasks of the version control system. The interface for interaction with the version control system in the cloud is described. This system is being developed by Gusev A.O. for the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Engineering Sciences and it is supposed to be introduced into the educational process of the departments «Artistic modeling, design and technology of leather goods» and the department of «Information technology» Kosygin RSU (Technology. Design. Art) in the form of teaching aids.
Keywords: footwear computer aided design systems; data structures; algorithms; data centralization; version control systems; application programming interface; distributed and cloud computing

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ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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