Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2019, Vol. 4, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Belgorodsky V.S., Andreeva E.G., Getmantseva V.V., Tyurin I.N. Possibilities of using shape memory materials in the design of garments with thermoregulating properties. Journal of Clothing Science. 2019; 4(4). Available at: (in Russian).

Possibilities of using shape memory materials in the design of garments with thermoregulating properties

Belgorodsky Valery Savel’evich
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Andreeva Elena Georgievna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Getmantseva Varvara Vladimirovna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Tyurin Igor Nikolaevich
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The work is devoted to studying the possibilities of introducing materials with shape memory into the design process of innovative garments with the ability to self-regulate the thermophysical characteristics of the clothing space and, thus, achieve optimal heat balance indicators. As a result of the study of materials with shape memory during the cooling of the filaments, experimental dependences of the cooling temperatures of the wires on the cooling time were obtained. In the work, a list of characteristics is formed for evaluating the deformation properties of filaments with a shape memory function. The characteristics are obtained by changing two parameters: the longitudinal size of the thread (length) and changing the programmed configuration of the circuit with the shape memory function during the passage of the phase transformation. Three types of configuration of threads with a shape memory function have been developed: a thread bent at right angles to study relaxation characteristics (stiffness); thread, in the configuration «loop structure»; a thread in the shape of an ellipse imitating the spatial shape of garments in cross section. As a result of studying the temperature at the boundary of the clothing space “man-clothes”, a low probability of reaching activation temperatures in the temperature range of the human body is established. As a result of the study of temperatures on the surface of shoulder garments with and without insulation, a negative effect of the package of materials on the temperature of the outer border of the clothing area was established, and thus on the possibility of reaching materials with a memory of the shape of the activation temperature. Given the high correlation between the activation temperature and the increase in freedom of fit, at which the activation temperature can be reached only with maximum fit to the human body, we can conclude that heat is lost when passing through a package of material. The necessity of researching the temperature in the under-clothes space in the process of a person’s dynamic state is established. The study is aimed at developing clothes with improved ergonomic indicators, including sports and everyday use.

Keywords: smart clothes; highly functional clothes; clothes with the function of shape memory; temperature-controlled textiles; heat balance; materials with shape memory; nitinol

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