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For citation:
Denisova O.I., Denisov A.R. Features of the choice of conceptual methodology in the uniform redesign project. Journal of Clothing Science. 2020; 5(1). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/09IVKL120.pdf (in Russian).
Features of the choice of conceptual methodology in the uniform redesign project
Denisova Olga Igorevna
Saint Petersburg state university of industrial technologies and design, Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: ipolgadenisova@yandex.ru
Denisov Artem Rufimovich
Kostroma state university, Kostroma, Russia
E-mail: iptema@yandex.ru
Abstract. Based on the created theoretical model and corporate uniform development algorithm, the uniform redesign tasks and requirements for updated products are formulated. It is proved that successful rare forms of a uniform form comply with the principles of the project. Consideration of the features of various national and foreign theoretical concepts and development of the possibilities of their practical application in solving the problems of corporate uniform redesign. A comparative analysis of the data within each conceptual methodology of tools, techniques and methods for product development allows us to identify possible problems in the practical implementation of each approach to the position of conceptual solutions matching the business goals of rare uniforms. It has been established that commercial design techniques and an axiomorphological concept make it possible to preserve and interpolate the merits of the company’s corporate identity that existed before restyling in the future, providing for a certain degree of conservatism in the work on modernizing the look of company employees. It is difficult to predict the marketing effect of the implementation of the concepts of functionalism, art design, «emotional» design and open-form design, which is associated with the unpredictability of the reaction of both participants in the dress code and consumers of the company’s services to update the appearance of employees. In addition, the opportunities that open design opens up, on the one hand, are fraught with a violation of the uniform appearance of employees, on the other hand, can prevent the problem of ambivalence in a flexible dress code. To solve the problem of the informed choice of the most effective conceptual strategy for modernizing a corporate uniform based on the business goals of company restyling, a toolkit in the form of a tabular model is proposed. As an example, the selection of a conceptual approach to the redesign of the consulting company uniform based on the proposed marketing hypotheses for assessing the effectiveness of the project is considered.
Keywords: dress code; concept; redesign; method; design model; hypothesis; forecasting

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ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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