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For citation:
Yumagulova V.M., Kalacheva E.V., Shafikov T.T. Regional features of the Russian wicked lace. Journal of Clothing Science. 2020; 5(2). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/10IVKL220.pdf (in Russian).
Regional features of the Russian wicked lace
Yumagulova Venera Maratovna
Ufa state petroleum technological university, Ufa, Russia
E-mail: yumagulova_v@mail.ru
Kalacheva Elena Vladimirovna
Ufa state petroleum technological university, Ufa, Russia
E-mail: grozova0311@mail.ru
Shafikov Timur Talgatovich
Kazan (Volga region) federal university, Kazan, Russia
E-mail: timur_krug123@mail.ru
Abstract. In the article, the authors touched upon the actual problem of studying and preserving the original traditions of folk art on the example of Russian lace on whooping cough. Russian lace is deservedly considered a unique type of Russian decorative art. It was initially formed under the influence of European techniques and based on foreign samples, but over time, relying on traditional motifs of embroidery, weaving and wood carving, it changed and developed its own unique techniques and ornamental language. The authors note that, like any type of decorative and applied art, lace reflected the features of the era and style, while maintaining the traditional basis of folk craft.
The purpose of this work is to reveal the uniqueness and originality of the traditions of Russian lace-making on whoops, its artistic value. The authors of the study set the goals of promoting the study of the cultural heritage of the Russian people, research in the development of lace weaving in the context of its regional features, and the development of new artistic products based on decorative and applied art.
The article is based on the principle of cultural and regional community of the country’s art, provides a brief historical reference on the development of the craft, and considers regional features of the technique and technology of Russian braided lace.
The authors of the research for the first time generalize information about the development of Russian lace in the Republic of Bashkortostan, pay special attention to the description of characteristic features, compositional and technical techniques. This study will serve as a further fruitful development of this issue.
Keywords: culture; decorative and applied arts; traditions; folk arts and crafts; Russian braided lace; Vologda lace; coupling technique of lace weaving

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ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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