2018, Vol. 3, No. 3. - go to content...
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For citation:
Savelyeva S.I., Dokuchaeva O.I. Complex analysis of knitwear of the XX-XXI centuries. Journal of Clothing Science. 2018; 3(3). Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/10TLKL318.pdf (in Russian).
Complex analysis of knitwear of the XX-XXI centuries
Savelyeva Sofiya Igorevna
Russian state university A.N. Kosygin, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: Sofico.sav@gmail.com
Dokuchaeva Olga Ivanovna
Russian state university A.N. Kosygin, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: dokuchaeva_oi@mail.ru
Abstract. Objective of this research is information processing on materials of fashionable magazines of various levels for identification of tendencies of development of knitted clothes both in the general course of world fashion, and in actually knitted area.
Collecting materials was carried out by students of chair within the last 30 years that allowed to draw certain conclusions on a jersey share in the world of fashion, on prospects of development of knitted production, on existence of concrete signs of «hipness» of knitted products. All this gave the chance to make the forecast of development of fashion in jersey on prospect.
Now there is a large number of publications on research of a historical and modern suit, however, the little is known of jersey in aspect of hipness. And after all the jersey gives ample opportunities of the application in modern clothes due to the plastic properties, decorative registration and multipurpose qualities. Jersey – clothes of the future!
Research of process of a shaping in a suit from jersey, removal of the general principles of its development – the key to success at industrial design of a suit and in development of fashion in jersey.
To define consecutive accumulation of the principles of development of a form of a knitted suit in the analysis time periods, various on extent depending on concrete fashion were used.
Keywords: knitwear; fashion trends; costume; costume history
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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