2021, Vol. 6, No. 4. - go to content...
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For citation:
Bortnikova N.V., Rubcova E.V., Fadeeva V.V. [Ethnocostume in the discourse of art practice (from the experience of Udmurt state university)] Journal of Clothing Science, 2021, Vol. 6, No. 4. Available at: https://kostumologiya.ru/PDF/12IVKL421.pdf (in Russian).
Ethnocostume in the discourse of art practice (from the experience of Udmurt state university)
Bortnikova Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia
E-mail: bortnicova.natasha@yandex.ru
Rubcova Elena Valentinovna
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia
E-mail: anto4i@mail.ru
Fadeeva Vera Viktorovna
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia
E-mail: vvvn10@mail.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the topical issues of preserving the ethnic identity of the Udmurt people. For centuries this people have formed a special informational and cultural space, the semantic dominant of which to this day are ancient motifs and images enclosed in a traditional costume complex, which protected and guarded people from evil forces and also played an important role in storing and transmitting information in traditional culture. The authors focus attention on the fact that nowadays the authentic traditional costume is gradually being forgotten and disappearing, taking with it a whole layer of information about national culture. As one of the ways of solving this problem the authors see creative interpretation of traditional costume, but preserving its semantic load, as well as the use of scientific research results in the field of costume in the modern art and pedagogical process. It is worth noting that ethnomotifs are in fashion for not the first season, but their diversity never ceases to amaze. This can be seen in the works of such designers as J.-P. Gaultier, K. Lagerfeld, V. Zaitsev, D. Razumikhina, as well as L. Molchanova, Pauline Kubista and others. These issues are the focus of scientific and creative work of teachers and students of the direction «The Art of Costume and Textile» of the Udmurt State University. Folk art is a non-verbal code of memory of the people, its soul. Creating collections with ethical motives, students try to understand this code, to decipher it, to make it understandable. This is the main task of the modern researcher, who should be a fashion designer. And familiarizing students with their roots contributes to the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.
Keywords: Traditional Udmurt costume; fashion designers; ethnocollections; art and pedagogical process; Udmurt State University
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ISSN 2587-8026 (Online)
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