Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2019, Vol. 4, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Dokuchaeva O.I. Compositional features of costume parts based on a mono-rapport solution. Journal of Clothing Science. 2019; 4(4). Available at: (in Russian).

Compositional features of costume parts based on a mono-rapport solution

Dokuchaeva Olga Ivanovna
Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. Monocomposition, a method of decorating a plane with drawings that do not have repetitive repetition, is often used in product design.

The possibilities of using a monocomposition in a suit are extremely wide – from the simplest solutions in the form of an emblem similar in compositional structure to mono-rapport ornaments, to complex compositions consisting of a significant number of ornamental motifs. The article discusses the features of designing a costume based on a system of mobile elements, such as a complex sewing design element in the form of bows.

The author notes that monorapport in the form of such a detail as a bow regulates the ratio of forms, elements, introduces a certain order and order. Monocomposition of a bow in a suit is a purely physical or geometric correlation of colors, shapes or elements, with which you can create a compositional system, create tension or destroy any harmony. This is the first step in the formation of form, it is the organizing moment of the artist’s will. In each case, the artist, changing the rhythmic relationship between the parts, gives a different sound, a different character of the image. Within a certain form, the correct decision of the accent in the form of a bow helps the eye to cover the work as a whole. In each case, through a different rhythmic arrangement of the details in the suit, we get a different emotional solution: either a more relaxed «business», then a sharp, restless or elegant.

Keywords: mono-rapport composition; mobile elements of the suit; their relationship with form; appointment: invoice, color; material

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