Journal of Clothing Science
Journal of Clothing Science

2020, Vol. 5, No. 1. - go to content...

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For citation:

Alekseeva E.N., Taran I.V. Costume and image in a modern decorative portrait on the example of works by Crimean artists. Journal of Clothing Science. 2020; 5(1). Available at: (in Russian).

Costume and image in a modern decorative portrait on the example of works by Crimean artists

Alekseeva Elena Nikolaevna
Yakubov Crimean engineering and pedagogical university, Simferopol, Russia

Taran Igor Valentinovich
Yakubov Crimean engineering and pedagogical university, Simferopol, Russia

Abstract. The article considers the significance of the costume in a painting as an important part of the composition of a modern portrait. The role and place of the model’s clothing is revealed from the position of creating an image and its psychological component. The authors focus on the development of new trends in the portrait genre of the regional art school of Crimea. The author identifies the features of the author’s interpretation of the portrait and decorative techniques used in solving the works of modern Crimean artists, as well as the interpretation of artistic images through the visual expressiveness of the costume. The article determines that earlier this genre in the art of the Peninsula did not receive proper development, and at this stage, the transformation of national traditions is traced, the decorative nature and variety of performance techniques are enhanced. The authors studied the problem of costume as an important detail that reveals its character and performs text-forming, pictorial and semantic functions in the artistic system. It is indicated that the costume programs the relationship of the external and internal world between the artist, model and viewer. As a result of the research, the authors conclude that a number of masters of the regional school pay great attention to the search for new pictorial forms in the portrait. The article analyzes the creative works of such famous artists As V. Shevchuk, N. Perova, O. Grigoriev-Klimov, as well as the experience of creating creative works (portraits) in national costumes in the framework of the discipline «Decorative painting» by students of the Department of «Decorative art» of the CRIMEAN engineering and pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov.

Keywords: decorative painting; portrait; color; image; costume; regional art school; model

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