2022, Volume 7, Issue 1
Journal of Clothing Science
2022, Volume 7, Issue 1
• Aleksandrov S.P., Zhukovskaya T.V., Berdnikova E.G. Development of a methodology for calculating the force interaction of the foot and shoes for podium models
Identification number of article: 25TLKL122
• Ahverdiev R.F. Development of technology for the production of exclusive leather from flounder skins with desired properties
Identification number of article: 21TLKL122
• Vinichenko I.V., Fedina P.N. Features of the multifunctional clothing design considering gender indifference
Identification number of article: 11TLKL122
• Gavrilova O.E., Nikitina L.L. Modular structures in a modern costume as a solution to current ecodesign tasks
Identification number of article: 01TLKL122
• Kovalenko Yu.A., Khannanova-Fakhrutdinova L.R., Garipova G.I., Tikhonova N.V. Formation of a rational assortment of men’s outerwear
Identification number of article: 26TLKL122
• Konovalova O.B., Kostyleva V.V., Fedoseeva E.V. Features of creating shoes using 3D technologies and 3D printing
Identification number of article: 04TLKL122
• Kosova E.V. Development of information support of the expert system for the development of recommendations for the selection of products of the bra group
Identification number of article: 13TLKL122
• Morozova I.I., Tikhonova N.V. Development of a package of materials with a sorption-filter layer for filter-type protective clothing
Identification number of article: 18TLKL122
• Nazarevich M.S., Surzhenko E.Ya., Vasilieva V.V. Development of a method for determining the compression ability of knitted fabrics
Identification number of article: 23TLKL122
• Nuriakhmetova E.R., Tikhonova N.V., Kovalenko Yu.A., Garipova G.I. Study of thermal radiation of the surface of the human body with limited motor possibilities in order to select the optimal package of materials in designing adaptive clothing
Identification number of article: 16TLKL122
• Pankevich D.K., Burkin A.N., Leonov V.V. Evaluation of the waterproof properties of membrane materials for clothing and footwear production
Identification number of article: 22TLKL122
• Razina E.I., Kostyleva V.V. The concept of integrating sketches the structure computer-aided design
Identification number of article: 02TLKL122
• Sineva O.V., Donadoeva L.V. The process of artistic design of a new collection of women’s bags in the upcycling technique using digital technologies
Identification number of article: 17TLKL122
• Starovoitova A.A., Fot Zh.A., Lisyuk N.A. Investigation of the breaking characteristics of thread connections when stretched along the seam in clothing made of a combination of materials
Identification number of article: 28TLKL122
• Suleymanova E.A., Kovalenko Yu.A., Garipova G.I. Multifunctional clothing in the framework of the concept of rational consumption of resources
Identification number of article: 29TLKL122
• Tukhanova V.Yu. Quality control of designing the light industry products through confectioning of materials
Identification number of article: 30TLKL122
• Fatkhullina L.R., Khannanova-Fakhrutdinova L.R., Tikhonova N.V., Garipova G.I. Study of anthropometric characteristics of boys for designing proportional clothes
Identification number of article: 15IVKL122
• Khalilova A.A., Tikhonova N.V. On the question of the use of a solution of silane as a final finish in the production of textile materials
Identification number of article: 31TLKL122
• Khannanova-Fakhrutdinova L.R., Kovalenko Ju.A., Tikhonova N.V., Fatkhullina L.R. Analysis of consumer preferences of qualitative and cost characteristics of children’s clothing for the younger age group
Identification number of article: 20TLKL122
• Shaitanova M.M. Modern understanding of the complex of consumer properties of clothing
Identification number of article: 03TLKL122
• Shestov A.V. Treatment of special-purpose genuine leather by low-pressure RF plasma: physical modification mechanism
Identification number of article: 32TLKL122
• Barsukova N.I., Rodionova N.V. The Museum’s media space as a search for a new format
Identification number of article: 14IVKL122
• Vozmilova A.A. Development of methodology for modular design of kids wear industrial series
Identification number of article: 06IVKL122
• Makarova T.L., Litvinova E.A. Relationship of flower shapes in a suit and the general direction of modern designer collections
Identification number of article: 07IVKL122
• Nozdracheva T.M., Mukhina D.I. Kokoshnik as a source of creativity and inspiration in the past and present
Identification number of article: 12IVKL122
• Petushkova G.I., Kurilina N.S. Principles of ecological design in costume design
Identification number of article: 05IVKL122
• Petushkova T.A., Androsova E.M. Fashion-fractal-concept: analytics and artistic practice
Identification number of article: 10IVKL122
• Samsonova N.D., Makarova T.L. Red and orange in modern advertising image
Identification number of article: 27IVKL122
• Usacheva O.V., Bastov G.A., Petushkova G.I. The study of the factors determining the scientific and methodological concept of designing a modern suit based on digital technologies
Identification number of article: 24IVKL122
• Firsova Yu.Yu., Alibekova M.I. The evolution of thinking. Symbiosis of cultural and technological progress
Identification number of article: 09IVKL122